Below you will find the terms and conditions for both entering the PPA Next Gen Awards 2024, and for booking to attend the PPA Next Gen Awards event. Please make sure you have read these before submitting an entry or making a booking.


The PPA Next Gen Awards 2024 (the "Awards") are administered by the Professional Publishers Association Limited ("PPA").

1. The Awards are open to United Kingdom based publishers of work originally published for and addressing the UK market. Material first published in other media, such as newspapers and books, is not eligible.

2. The eligibility period for entries is stated on the criteria for each category.

3. Persons completing entries commit that they are authorised to do so and agree to be bound by, and comply with, these Terms and Conditions and the "Entering", "Categories" and booking form sections of the PPA Next Gen Awards 2024 website.

4. The deadline for award entries is Wednesday 17 July 2024 at 23:59. Award entries must be submitted online. PPA reserves the right to cancel those entries (including supporting documentation) not received in full by the deadline.

5. Award entries cost £187.50+VAT for PPA members; £375+VAT for non-members per entry and are not refundable ("Award Fees").

6. Award entries will be confirmed by PPA once the completed booking is received by PPA. Confirmation by PPA of the Award entry forms a binding commitment for payment of the full Award Fee(s) by the entrant.

7. All entry fees must be paid in GB Pounds Sterling (£). We prefer payment online via stripe, our credit card processing partner.

8. If an invoice is requested, payment will be required on the earlier of a) 30 days from the date of invoice and b) 60 days before the start of the Awards (the "Due Date"). If payment is not received within these required time limits, PPA reserves the right to cancel the entry without notice. Payment may be made by credit card, debit card, or bank transfer. When paying by bank transfer, all bank fees and money transfer costs must be prepaid by the transmitter. Please indicate your Booking Reference and surname as a reference on all bank transfers and communications.

9. Entries may be withdrawn but are not refundable.

10. Descriptions of the winner's submissions and those on the shortlist will be published in connection with the Awards; by entering, you agree to reasonable use of your company and/or publication name in promotional material and news reporting.

11. Winning entries will be displayed at the event and on PPA websites; and as conditions of entry and/or acceptance of any award a licence is granted to PPA for these purposes.

12. Information supplied as part of entries will be treated as confidential and only used for the purposes of the Awards.

13. Judges have the right to determine the standard of an Award and to withhold an Award in any category if, in their view, entries are not of sufficient merit.

14. The judges' decisions are final, and no judge will enter into conversation or correspondence about decisions that have been made.

15. The PPA Next Gen Award 2024 winners will be announced prior to the event date and will be invited exclusively to the event.

16. These Terms and Conditions, together with the material listed at 6 above, constitute the entire agreement of the parties. In entering into this agreement, the parties have not relied on, and shall have no remedy in respect of, any statement, representation, warranty, understanding, promise or assurance (whether negligently or innocently made) of any person other than as expressly set out in this agreement.

17. To the full extent allowed by law and insofar as it is reasonable to do so, entrants to the Awards agree not to hold PPA liable for any damage or loss suffered or incurred in connection with entering the Awards, including consequential (i.e. losses which are not incurred as a direct consequence of the event leading to any claim) or indirect losses or loss of profit, through entering the Awards, attending the Awards, alteration of the Awards schedule, cancellation of the Awards, or any error or omission on the part of PPA. This provision does not reduce or restrict PPA's liability for death or personal injury caused by PPA's negligence or liability for fraud on the part of PPA.

18. These terms and conditions are governed by and shall be interpreted in accordance with English law. The place of performance is London. Any disputes arising in relation to the interpretation of these terms and conditions or in relation to any agreement of which these terms and conditions form part, which cannot be settled amicably, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

Professional Publishers Association Limited Registered in England no. 00132310 | VAT Registration no. 341 1391 90